
A charitable trust dedicated to improving science learning in the classroom for thousands of primary aged students in the Hutt Valley is launching an urgent appeal for sponsors so it can continue to operate in the region.

The House of Science’s Hutt Valley branch ‘Hutt Science’ is facing a critical funding challenge with the impending cessation of financial support from Hutt City Council and Upper Hutt Council.

For the past nine years, Hutt Science has been dedicated to improving science learning in classrooms across the Hutt Valley by providing innovative and comprehensive curriculum-based science resource kits. These kits, distributed to 67 schools and 15,000 students in the region, have been instrumental in boosting resources and increasing teachers' confidence in delivering engaging science lessons.

Established in 2014, the House of Science concept was born out of the dire need revealed by an ERO report indicating that over 70% of New Zealand schools lacked an effective science program. Since its inception, founder and CEO Chris Duggan and her team have been empowering teachers to deliver captivating science lessons, ensuring that all children have access to quality science education.

A 2024 ImpactLab GoodMeasure report found every dollar it takes to run House of Science there is $10.20 of measured good to society in New Zealand. According to ImpactLab, House of Science real-world value is even greater than this as some outcomes, such as improving critical thinking, cannot yet be directly quantified with available data.

Chris Duggan emphasizes the pivotal role of House of Science in primary school science education, stating, "Most primary teachers in New Zealand lack the expertise and confidence to teach science. The House of Science resource library has filled a gaping hole in the country's education system and is making serious inroads in alleviating the issues above."

“Our kits work because they are easy for teachers to use. It also builds teacher confidence, capability and capacity - we have upskilled more than 2,000 teachers to date,” said Duggan.

Now, as Hutt Science faces a funding crisis, the organisation urgently appeals to sponsors and donors to ensure its continued operation. Without support, thousands of primary-aged students in the Hutt Valley will lose access to these invaluable science resources.

House of Science is actively seeking $100,000 to sustain its operations in the Hutt Valley. To support this endeavor, the charitable trust has launched a Givealittle campaign where individuals can contribute towards this vital cause. To make a donation and help ensure the continuation of House of Science's impactful work in the Hutt Valley, please visit [website link].

House of Science is currently vying for a percentage of $100,000 through the One Good Kiwi platform, alongside nine other charitable organisations. Duggan encourages individuals to cast their votes in support of House of Science. "Voting is free and it holds the power to secure the future of science education for our Tamariki."

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